Community Meeting with DCPD 09/22/23 6:30pm

Reminder Neighborhood Meeting this evening at 6:30pm.

Friday 9/22/23 6:30pm
1180-1200 Block Vista Trail
Front Yard Meet & Greet
Followed by Fiddle Friday Music

Hello Woodland Hills residents!
Partially in response to a recent rash of home burglaries, our neighbors Philip & Emily are hosting a Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association - WHNA neighborhood Meet & Greet with representatives of the DeKalb Co. Police Department - DCPD. Afterwards, Philip & Emily will be having one of their famous Fiddle Fridays! The event will be around 1180-1200 block of Vista Trail this coming Friday Sept. 22nd. 

A DCPD presentation, followed by a question & answer period, will start at 6:30pm.  There will also be some time for residents to have some one-on-one time with the officers maybe both before and after the presentations. IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE PLEASE COME ANYWAY. Any presentations will repeat at 7:00 if needed and handouts will still be available.

A few of the subjects we are going to bring up are street / tag reader cameras, the ability to optionally share personal security camera recordings after an intrusion, the structure of a Neighborhood Watch, side street patrols, and joint operations with Atlanta Police in our neighborhood.

Vista Trail is tight for parking so if you can walk that would be great. If you drive please be considerate of our neighbors and keep driveways clear. The weather promises to be great. See you there!

Clifton Corridor Transit MARTA Meetings

Marta has new community engagement dates this week for the Clifton Corridor high capacity transit alternatives:

In person Mon Feb 13 6:30pm
Virtual Thurs Feb 16 6:30pm
Open House Sat Feb18 10am

The previous locally preferred alternative (LPA) along CSX was a cut and cover tunnel with Light Rail from Cheshire Bridge to Briarcliff/Sage Hill, along with a walking trail and a park as a concession for right of way take from Arnold Road residences. This was before shared right of way options with CSX were available.

New options proposed include surface level shared CSX right-of-way; however, those would also be surface level Lenox Rd crossings. Register now at

May be an image of 6 people

1493-1501 Lavista Rezoning

The following applications for zoning will be on the agenda in March 2022. This property is in unincorporated Dekalb County, and subject to the County's ordinances for zoning & land use. The first hearing in March is Planning Commission Meeting Date – Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:30 PM and the second is Board of Commissioners Meeting Date – Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:30 PM. The next Community Council meeting is

  • Tuesday 4/12 Community Council
  • Tuesday 5/3 Planning Commission
  • Thursday 5/26 Board of Commissioners

Applicant proposes rezoning the property from O-I to MR-2 and proposes to build 20 townhomes. According to the applicant, the properties are currently being used for an accounting office and a real estate office. Land use hearing is necessary for the parcel 1493 Lavista currently SUB to change it to NC to go with the parcel 1501 Lavista currently NC.

The LLCC Blueprints study showed a nature path approximately at this location could be an opportunity for a pedestrian connection. As part of support for the proposed rezoning and variance, WHNA has requested that a pedestrian easement be reserved for a future Briar Vista Elementary Safe Route to School Path from Lavista Rd to Franklin Cir. WHNA has also had other discussions with the applicant on building height, traffic considerations, and sanitation

More details are available in a copy of the application attached here and details or updates if any available on the Dekalb County Planning Website.

Planning Commission Meeting Date – Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:30 PM
(This meeting will be held via Zoom.)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone: Dial:
USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 934462
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Board of Commissioners Meeting Date – Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:30 PM
This meeting will be held via Zoom and simultaneous broadcast available via live stream on DCTV’s
webpage, and on DCTVChannel23.TV.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone: Dial:
USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 217687
Meeting participant’s or caller’s phone numbers may be displayed to the public viewing or
participating in the online meeting.
Citizens may also email documents for inclusion into the official record by submitting suchmaterials by
5:30 pm on the date of the public hearing.
Email the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners at

MARTA Bus Route – Woodland Hills Drive

MARTA is considering eliminating the Woodland Hills Drive Bus Route in the 2040 study: Go here and vote:

Summary of the Concept Plans:

  • Ridership Concept - Eliminate Bus route on Woodland Hills Drive
  • Coverage Concept - Keep Bus route on Woodland Hills Drive

Communication from MARTA:

Dear Valued Stakeholder, MARTA needs your help. Time is running out for much-needed feedback. Please share this important information with your network as soon as possible.MARTA is working on a Bus Network Redesign plan and wants your valuable input about its Ridership and Coverage concepts today.
You can learn more about MARTA’s two concepts by clicking on the following link. Once you are done, take a few minutes to complete an important survey using this link: MARTA Bus Network Redesign Project Survey (

Please make sure you share the survey with people you know. Once the survey closes, MARTA will draw up a plan this spring, and present it to the public for comment. 

Again, take the survey now, and encourage everyone you know to do the same. As our region continues to grow, we want to ensure we understand what's most important to our community.
Thanks for helping to make MARTA’s transit system the best it can be.
Remember to Share + Post. Thank you,

MARTA Bus Network Redesign Project Team

 Take the Survey