Clifton Corridor Transit MARTA Meetings

Marta has new community engagement dates this week for the Clifton Corridor high capacity transit alternatives:

In person Mon Feb 13 6:30pm
Virtual Thurs Feb 16 6:30pm
Open House Sat Feb18 10am

The previous locally preferred alternative (LPA) along CSX was a cut and cover tunnel with Light Rail from Cheshire Bridge to Briarcliff/Sage Hill, along with a walking trail and a park as a concession for right of way take from Arnold Road residences. This was before shared right of way options with CSX were available.

New options proposed include surface level shared CSX right-of-way; however, those would also be surface level Lenox Rd crossings. Register now at

May be an image of 6 people

Membership Payment Methods

For online payments, WHNA added a recurring subscription option for memberships.  This is like auto-pay and it requires a paypal account; however, you can still use a credit card or bank balance for payment.  The other online payment option is a non-recurring annual membership.  Checks are still accepted too at the PO Box or membership drive events.

Let us know what your preferred payment method is for memberships by taking the poll below.



What type of membership payment options do you prefer?

  • Online Paypal - One time fixed term that I will have to manually renew - Credit Cards or Bank Balance (75%, 18 Votes)
  • Online Paypal - Recurring fixed term that automatically renews - Credit Cards or Bank Balance (21%, 5 Votes)
  • Check or Cash (4%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 24

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