The Board has evaluated the feasibility and budget of the following projects:
Neighborhood Entrance Signs
- Evaluating 5 Locations in the Neighborhood
- Shepherd Ln/Lavista, Shepherd Ln/Briarcliff, Briar Vista Terr, Ogilvie Dr/Lenox, Woodland Hills Ave/Lenox
- Evaluating Permit and Survey Requirements
- Obtaining Property Owner Consent
- Evaluating Installation Costs
- A recent quote was about $6000 for signs similar to existing Woodland & Lavista (double sided sign on a metal post). Plans & Permitting would be extra, but this type of sign installed much like a mailbox.
- City of Atlanta is paying for the cost of Lindridge Martin Manor Neighborhood signage on Lindbergh. This could be funding source for two Historic Woodland Hills Neighborhood Signs
Traffic Speed Radar Signs
- Woodland Ave
- Shepherds Ln
- Evaluating Installation Procedures
- Evaluating County Cost Sharing
- The WHNA discussed purchase on our own.
Additional Stop Signs
- Creating an additional 3 or 4 way intersection
- This is more difficult to get approved, speed humps are the easier approach.
- Woodland Ave
- Shepherds Ln
- Completed: Eastbound between Woodland and Shepherds Ln.
Speed Humps
- Woodland Ave
- Dekalb Co Signature 2020 petition of Woodland Ave owners fell short of the requirement due to some technicalities getting owners per title to count an address.
- This is an easy win for a neighbor to take on and get signatures within the 90 day timeframe.
- Completed: Shepherds Ln
Neighborhood Park
- Money periodically becomes available from Dekalb and City of Atlanta for park projects depending on location.
- Several sites have been inspected by various neighbors in the past.
- Join the Nextdoor Woodland Hills Park Group to help move this forward.
National Historic Register District
- Benefits: 1) Designation necessitates extensive studies related to federally funded projects and land acquisitions for CSX Passenger Rail or Clifton Corridor Marta Expansions. These studies are called a Section 106 review. 2) Certain properties may be eligible to receive historic preservation grants. 3) Other community grant applications may credit this designation for funding awards.
- LLCC submitted preliminary application to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs November 2021.
- Next Step is to prepare National Park Service application. This requires a more detailed architectural evaluation of remaining 1950s era structures and land platting patterns and to finalize the boundary.
Road Resurfacing
- Dekalb County streets are on replacement schedule according to use and condition. Several Streets are on the current Dekalb TSplost.
- Arnold Ave - Phase 1 Completed 2019.
- Vista Trl - Phase 2
- Janes Ln - Phase 2
- Woodland Hills Dr - Phase 2
- Brookhaven Annexation could make all these streets resurfaced rather immediately (i.e. Lenox Park), with a direct tax billed.