Fiddle Friday 5/24/24 & Save the Date 6/22/24


Fiddle Friday
Join Us TODAY at 6:30pm in the neighborhood and listen to some music from the front porch.  Fiddle Friday will be held near the 1200 block of Vista Trail.  Bring a lawn chair and a beverage to kick off Memorial Day weekend with some of your neighbors. 


Summer Block Party
Save the Date for the WHNA Summer Block Party for Saturday, June 22, 2024. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to the following weekend.  We will need some volunteers to help organize, run the event, and staff a membership check-in.  Also let us know if you have a tent, table, or chairs to lend for a few hours.  


Shepherd Road at Lavista Re-zoning
The rezoning is still ongoing after being deferred a few times.  WHNA needs you to speak up!  The final Hearing is 9am Tuesday 5-28-2024.  It is imperative that you reach out individually before then to DeKalb Commissioner Michelle Long Spears by phone: 404-371-2863 or by email: to have your voice heard.  Our prior email includes most of the important details, and it is available online at

There is a place for you within WHNA.  Please reach out with any ideas or concerns, so we can keep the WHNA active in our community.  WHNA will be present this evening to update you on these topics and more. 

Thank You,
Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

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