Community Meeting with DCPD 09/22/23 6:30pm

Reminder Neighborhood Meeting this evening at 6:30pm.

Friday 9/22/23 6:30pm
1180-1200 Block Vista Trail
Front Yard Meet & Greet
Followed by Fiddle Friday Music

Hello Woodland Hills residents!
Partially in response to a recent rash of home burglaries, our neighbors Philip & Emily are hosting a Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association - WHNA neighborhood Meet & Greet with representatives of the DeKalb Co. Police Department - DCPD. Afterwards, Philip & Emily will be having one of their famous Fiddle Fridays! The event will be around 1180-1200 block of Vista Trail this coming Friday Sept. 22nd. 

A DCPD presentation, followed by a question & answer period, will start at 6:30pm.  There will also be some time for residents to have some one-on-one time with the officers maybe both before and after the presentations. IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE PLEASE COME ANYWAY. Any presentations will repeat at 7:00 if needed and handouts will still be available.

A few of the subjects we are going to bring up are street / tag reader cameras, the ability to optionally share personal security camera recordings after an intrusion, the structure of a Neighborhood Watch, side street patrols, and joint operations with Atlanta Police in our neighborhood.

Vista Trail is tight for parking so if you can walk that would be great. If you drive please be considerate of our neighbors and keep driveways clear. The weather promises to be great. See you there!

Woodland Hills Filming Notice May 23-26

Filming Notice
We received information that a filming crew will be in our Neighborhood this week. The filming will impact traffic along several streets including Woodland Hills Drive and Vista Trail. There will be traffic control present for the planned full or partial lane closures along parts of Woodland Hills Dr. and Vista Trl. 

The filming production is expected to be in the neighborhood the entire week from Monday May 22, 2023 through Saturday May 27, 2023 with filming scheduled for Thursday May 25th through Friday 26th. Additionally, several residents have received additional letters requesting to rent their driveways during this time.

One of the notification letters is included below:

Clifton Corridor Transit MARTA Meetings

Marta has new community engagement dates this week for the Clifton Corridor high capacity transit alternatives:

In person Mon Feb 13 6:30pm
Virtual Thurs Feb 16 6:30pm
Open House Sat Feb18 10am

The previous locally preferred alternative (LPA) along CSX was a cut and cover tunnel with Light Rail from Cheshire Bridge to Briarcliff/Sage Hill, along with a walking trail and a park as a concession for right of way take from Arnold Road residences. This was before shared right of way options with CSX were available.

New options proposed include surface level shared CSX right-of-way; however, those would also be surface level Lenox Rd crossings. Register now at

May be an image of 6 people

WHNA Fall Social

WHNA Fall Social


Fall Social and General Assembly

When:  October 24th
Where:  Red Pepper Taqueria
Time:  6pm-8pm

The dog days of summer are behind us and fall is FINALLY here!  Come join your Woodland Hills neighbors for our annual Fall Social on Thursday, October 24th from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Red Pepper Taqueria.  We will serve some tasty appetizers with your first drink provided by WHNA! We will also provide a brief update on some important neighborhood topics concerning Lavista Park's consideration of cityhood, as well as the recent efforts to address the homeless encampment situation. This will be a great opportunity to pick up your 2019-2020 WHNA yard sign or to renew your $35 membership by check (or by clicking here.)

Toll Brothers Milledge Place Project Meeting – May 28

The Toll Bros. Milledge Place Project will be on the agenda for the Tuesday, May 28 Board of Commissioners Meeting.  The meeting will be at Maloof Auditorium 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, starting at 6:30pm.  Please attend if you are available.

This item is early on the agenda so it will come up quickly and we'll be done. It's good to arrive early to get the handout.

It is absolutely essential that we have a large turnout to voice our opinions for this project.  All of the earlier meetings lead to trying to get a Zoning Decision at this meeting that is favorable to us!  There will be stickers and/or colored cards available at the entrance to identify neighborhood(s) attendees to the Commissioners.  Commissioner Rader has shown he is willing to listen when his constituents are present.

Thanks and See You There,
Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association