This page is to help keep you informed of important happenings that are going on in and around our neighborhood. These entries will generally have some type of impact on the neighborhood and the quality of life within the neighborhood. If you have information that is not listed on this page and you think it is important to the neighborhood, please send an e-mail to the president or webmaster to have it included here.
Lindbergh LaVista Corridor Coalition
The Lindbergh LaVista Corridor Coalition is made up of concerned residents of Lindridge-Martin Manor, LaVista Park, and Woodland Hills. It is their aim to plan for and study the issues that face this corridor. They successfully completed an effort to bring in outside expertise to help develop a Blueprints Master Plan for the corridor to have an influence on the changes that are facing us. The Blueprints Study was incorporated into the Dekalb County Comprehensive Plan along the Lavista and Briarcliff Corridor. For more information about this group please visit their website at: http://www.lindberghlavista.org/.
MARTA line between Lindbergh Station and Clifton Corridor
As you may or may not be aware, MARTA and the Clifton Corridor have partnered to conduct the Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative Alternative Analysis. The purpose of this study is to determine a way to connect Lindbergh Center MARTA Station to the Clifton Corridor and the City of Decatur.
MARTA has recently announced three different scenarios for the project using the CSX rail corridor behind Arnold Ave. In two of these scenarios, MARTA is proposing heavy rail transit (HRT); this is what MARTA’s current lines use. It is also anticipated that in order to put these lines in, there may have to be right-of-way acquisitions in the surrounding neighborhoods of Woodland Hills, Lindridge Martin Manor, Morningside Lenox Park, and Zonolite should this project move forward.
WHNA’s position on these developments is as follows:
- No property acquisitions
- No HRT. A light rail transit system with stops along the path will help serve the surrounding communities without the disturbances of a HRT line
- We are against any plan that imposes a burden on Woodland Hills without any benefits to our neighborhood.
- Reroute/remove the CSX trains to allow for these additional transit lines.
For more information on the current proposals, please visit
Maps affecting our neighborhood depicting what the current proposal can be seen here:
Light Rail/Bus Rapid Transit Concept
Sage Hill-Briarcliff Station Concept
Also visit http://www.lindberghlavista.org/ for any updates.
City-Hood Links
Cityhood Information Links
Atlanta Lakeside-Briarcliff City Comparison FINAL
Executive Park Brookhaven Annexation - Info
Executive Park Brookhaven Annexation - Taxes