WHNA, Inc. Summer BBQ and Block Party Saturday, June 22 at noon. All Woodland Hills Neighbors welcome.

When: Water Slide 11-4. Hot Grill 12-2.

Where: On Vista Trl between Woodland and Country.

Host: Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association, Inc.

All Woodland Hills Neighbors welcome. Wear your suit for the water slide.

Hamburgers Hotdogs side items and soft drinks provided. You may want to bring an extra chair and special drinks. We will have a few tents tables and chairs.

We are expecting drop-ins from county and state representatives.

Fiddle Friday 5/24/24 & Save the Date 6/22/24


Fiddle Friday
Join Us TODAY at 6:30pm in the neighborhood and listen to some music from the front porch.  Fiddle Friday will be held near the 1200 block of Vista Trail.  Bring a lawn chair and a beverage to kick off Memorial Day weekend with some of your neighbors. 


Summer Block Party
Save the Date for the WHNA Summer Block Party for Saturday, June 22, 2024. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to the following weekend.  We will need some volunteers to help organize, run the event, and staff a membership check-in.  Also let us know if you have a tent, table, or chairs to lend for a few hours.  


Shepherd Road at Lavista Re-zoning
The rezoning is still ongoing after being deferred a few times.  WHNA needs you to speak up!  The final Hearing is 9am Tuesday 5-28-2024.  It is imperative that you reach out individually before then to DeKalb Commissioner Michelle Long Spears by phone: 404-371-2863 or by email: MLSpears@DeKalbCountyGA.gov to have your voice heard.  Our prior email includes most of the important details, and it is available online at https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=4d2627491981ec0dab4113d30&id=c411837d2b

There is a place for you within WHNA.  Please reach out with any ideas or concerns, so we can keep the WHNA active in our community.  WHNA will be present this evening to update you on these topics and more. 

Thank You,
Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

BVE Montessori Registration

Families with preschool age children zoned for Briar Vista Elementary (BVE), this message is for you. Dekalb County School District added a FREE class for 3-year-olds at BVE in 2024! Do not miss this amazing opportunity at our neighborhood school! 
Register in-person @ Briar Vista Elementary January 4th to 12th. The class will be held for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year.  There will be another registration in February, for the 2024-2025 school year.
3-year-old Class Registration Requirements:

  • 3-years of age on or before Sept 1, 2023
  • Potty trained
  • Zoned for BVE (all woodland hills residents)
  •  See the QR code in the flyer below for documents required to register

If you have questions, Ms. Cammie Neill (BVE Principal) is happy to speak to you about the new early learning program serving our Woodland Hills community. There are 15 seats awarded on a first come first serve basis 

Email: Cammie_Neill@dekalbschoolsga.org or 678-874-5902.
BVE Montessori K-5 School Choice ProgramBVE Montessori (K-5) is a DCSD School Choice lottery-based program, which is available to all of Dekalb County residents. Woodland Hills Dekalb residents must still put in a School Choice application to obtain a spot in the Montessori track at BVE, despite BVE being our zoned school. Please pay attention to the early application deadlines in January of each year. Once enrolled, your child can continue through 5th grade in the Montessori track. 
Check out this previous year post by the BVE PTO, which summarizes some of the application process for the K-5 program: https://briarvistaelementary.com/blogs/all/school-choice and additional details on important program eligibility criteria is outlined here under BVE at the DCSD School Choice website: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-choice/programs/

Important Dates
This year the application window is Jan 5 - Feb 9, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year, and you can locate the application online here: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-choice/.  Please reach out to the Ms. Neill (BVE Principal) if you have additional questions about applying to the program. 

Community Meeting with DCPD 09/22/23 6:30pm

Reminder Neighborhood Meeting this evening at 6:30pm.

Friday 9/22/23 6:30pm
1180-1200 Block Vista Trail
Front Yard Meet & Greet
Followed by Fiddle Friday Music

Hello Woodland Hills residents!
Partially in response to a recent rash of home burglaries, our neighbors Philip & Emily are hosting a Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association - WHNA neighborhood Meet & Greet with representatives of the DeKalb Co. Police Department - DCPD. Afterwards, Philip & Emily will be having one of their famous Fiddle Fridays! The event will be around 1180-1200 block of Vista Trail this coming Friday Sept. 22nd. 

A DCPD presentation, followed by a question & answer period, will start at 6:30pm.  There will also be some time for residents to have some one-on-one time with the officers maybe both before and after the presentations. IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE PLEASE COME ANYWAY. Any presentations will repeat at 7:00 if needed and handouts will still be available.

A few of the subjects we are going to bring up are street / tag reader cameras, the ability to optionally share personal security camera recordings after an intrusion, the structure of a Neighborhood Watch, side street patrols, and joint operations with Atlanta Police in our neighborhood.

Vista Trail is tight for parking so if you can walk that would be great. If you drive please be considerate of our neighbors and keep driveways clear. The weather promises to be great. See you there!