WHNA Cityhood Discussions



We have a lot to discuss, and a lot to consider.  Please plan on coming to one of our meetings over the next few weeks. 

Our series of "small group discussion" meetings to discuss the Pro's and Con's of each option START TONIGHT. 

Prepare for the meetings by downloading the Atlanta Lakeside-Briarcliff City Comparison Chart.  Compare side by side options of Unincorporated Dekalb, City of Briarcliff/Lakeside, or City of Atlanta.

These meetings will be from 7-9 PM.  They are for Woodland Hills residents only.  Please be respectful that these residents have graciously invited us into their homes to discuss a very important topic. 

  • Oct 19th:  Tom and Wendi Combes's House: Woodland Hills Dr
  • Oct 22nd:  Ellen Diss's House:  Briar Vista Terrace
  • Oct 23rd:  Jeremy and Jen Mador's House:  Arnold Ave
  • Oct 28th:  Brad and Hilary Grulke's House: Country Ln NE

Refer to WHNA Listserv Emails for addresses & additional details.

We will also be hosting a large group meeting that will be open to all.

  • Oct 29th:  Location TBD Time:  7-9 PM.

Following these meetings, we will be sending a survey to all of our residents. 

There is a true urgency to this.  We will likely see neighborhoods making decisions about this byNovember 15th

The three options on the table are:  

  1. Remain a part of unincorporated DeKalb
  2. Become a part of the Lakeside/Briarcliff City Alliance
  3. Become a part of the city of Atlanta

Making this decision is not a simple one.  Woodland Hills isn't the only neighborhood making this decision, and the decisions other neighborhoods make, will affect us. 

Over the next few weeks
Please, plan to attend one of these meetings.  Come to one of these meetings and get a understanding of what our decision will mean to our future.


Thank you,The Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association


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