Kittredge Park Festival

Title: Kittredge Park Festival
Location: Kittredge Park
Description: From Moshe Hiller
President; MHHA

Hosted by Friends of Kittredge Park
“The future of the park is in our hands.”
Join Dekalb County Commissioners Jeff Rader and Kathie Gannon at the park clean-up on SUNDAY, JUNE 14 and do your part to shape the future of our one-of-a-kind, local 32-acre greenspace.
· From 10am until 12pm, there will be a park clean-up of invasive plant species and trash from the park (please dress appropriately)
· After the clean-up, stay for a logo/t-shirt design contest - $100 prize! Anyone can win. For contest rules and information, please visit
· Enjoy free pizza (including kosher and vegetarian), refreshments, a moonwalk for kids, and kickball for all ages, at the park!
DIRECTIONS: Kittredge Park is located off of N. Druid Hills Rd. near the intersection with Briarcliff Rd., across from Target & behind Adams Stadium. Follow the signs to the parking area at the end of the drive (Please do not park at any other park entrance)

Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2009-06-14
End Time: 12:00