4/13/13 – Woodland Hills Yard Sale

Title: Woodland Hills Yard Sale
Location: Woodland Hills
Description: The 3rd Annual WOODLAND HILLS YARD SALE is right around the corner...

Do you want to drive traffic to you home for the upcoming yard sale? Let WHNA help.

The yard sale will be on Saturday, April 13th, from 8-12 (although you can keep selling as long as you want).

WHNA is here to help you drive traffic to your yard sale. We will be supplying maps of the neighborhood with all participating houses marked. These will be handed out to the yard sale visitors so they can better find your house (participants will help hand these out at their homes). WHNA will also be supplying balloons that you can hang on your mailbox to better assist potential buyers on finding your home.

This is what we need from you. If you plan on participating in the yard sale, please send the following information to president@woodlandhillsatlanta.org

Your name (this will not be published)
Your home address
Item categories (optional)

Categories to choose from include:

Kitchen Items
Toys and Games
Clothing - children
Clothing - adult
Baby Items
Home and Garden
Tools and Hardware

If you have a big ticket item (ie: pool table), feel free to add that also. Please don\'t add too many items as we want to keep the map manageable.

We will add these categories to the map, along with an indicator on where your home is located, to help better drive traffic to you home.

Saturday morning it will be your responsibility to come get your balloon and a stack of maps. We will let you know where/when to pick it up before hand.

Please send us your information by end of day April 5th (Friday). We need some time to pull it all together.

Any question, please shoot me an e-mail at president@woodlandhillsatlanta.org

Thank you,

Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2013-04-13
End Time: 12:00

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