Flooding Assistance

From Commissioner Kathie Gannon:

Sep 28, 2009

DeKalb County has been declared, by President Obama, a Federal Disaster Area for personal recovery assistance due to the recent flooding and rain storms. This was an unprecedented Type 1 Disaster so a special Thank You to all of the emergency responding agencies. The recovery will be a long process requiring many partnerships.

If you are a homeowner, renter or business that has been affected by the flood, first and foremost you must apply for aid for personal damage. Register for FEMA assistance by calling 1-800-621-3362 or registering on online at www.disasterassistance.gov. No assistance can start until you have applied with FEMA. Once you have applied an inspection to verify the damage will be made and then financial assistance will be determined. As of this date 9/28/09, 7,000 people have been helped and $2.4 million dollars has already been given to assist flood victims. Do not wait for the Disaster Recovery Center to open apply for assistance now.
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Friendly Reminder if you received a property appraisal notice of assessment change

From Kathie Gannon and Jeff Rader

Even though the Tax Assessors office is recalculating property values based on the new law requiring among other things foreclosure sales and bank sales to be included in fair market value, your request to appeal the value needs to be submitted by May 18, 2009. The letter needs to be hand delivered or post marked by May 18, 2009. The address to mail the letter or hand deliver the letter is 120 West Trinity Place Decatur, GA 30030. If you choose to hand deliver the letter the office hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.