July 2009 WHNA General Assembly Meeting Minutes

Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association
Quarterly General Assembly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.

Crime Report
Officer Jenny Miller gave an update on crime committed in the neighborhood over the
last quarter. There were a couple of burglaries to vacant homes, a few crime break-ins,
and a car was stolen. According to Office Miller, the cars were unlocked and valuables
were in plain sight. She reminded the assembly to always lock vehicles and remove any
The notorious tenant of the yellow house neighboring the Publix on LaVista has been
evicted. The previous tenant had a strong reputation for dealing illegal drugs and criminal
behavior. Read More

WHNA General Assembly Meeting

Title: WHNA General Assembly Meeting
Location: Peachtree Baptist Church 2108 Briarcliff Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30329
Description: WHNA General Assembly Meeting at Peachtree Baptist Church, on the corner of Briarcliff and Lavista roads. All residents are encouraged to attend.
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2009-04-16
End Time: 20:30