Fiddle Friday 5/24/24 & Save the Date 6/22/24


Fiddle Friday
Join Us TODAY at 6:30pm in the neighborhood and listen to some music from the front porch.  Fiddle Friday will be held near the 1200 block of Vista Trail.  Bring a lawn chair and a beverage to kick off Memorial Day weekend with some of your neighbors. 


Summer Block Party
Save the Date for the WHNA Summer Block Party for Saturday, June 22, 2024. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to the following weekend.  We will need some volunteers to help organize, run the event, and staff a membership check-in.  Also let us know if you have a tent, table, or chairs to lend for a few hours.  


Shepherd Road at Lavista Re-zoning
The rezoning is still ongoing after being deferred a few times.  WHNA needs you to speak up!  The final Hearing is 9am Tuesday 5-28-2024.  It is imperative that you reach out individually before then to DeKalb Commissioner Michelle Long Spears by phone: 404-371-2863 or by email: to have your voice heard.  Our prior email includes most of the important details, and it is available online at

There is a place for you within WHNA.  Please reach out with any ideas or concerns, so we can keep the WHNA active in our community.  WHNA will be present this evening to update you on these topics and more. 

Thank You,
Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

1481 Lavista Rezoning

Important Zoning Meeting Tuesday 8/15 at 6pm!
The next meeting is Tuesday evening for the zoning application filed to take a single home parcel at 1481 Lavista Rd and put FOUR or more homes on that lot by rezoning from R-75 to R-60.  The property is at the corner of Shepherds Lane and Lavista Rd.  We urge you to attend.

The series of meetings are starting over for this rezoning after receiving a two cycle deferral.  The next meeting is Tuesday evening for the zoning application.

Meeting details hosted by the applicant:

  • August 15th @ 6:00 PM via Zoom
  • Project title: 1481 Lavista Rd, hosted by Battle Law on behalf of Arcone Construction
  • Zoom instructions:
  • enter meeting ID: 874 8926 8265
  • password: 258523
  • for more information contact: Jordan Battle at 404-601-7616 ext 8, or 

Future Meeting Dates (subject to deferment)

  • Community Council (expected 10/10/23)
  • Planning Commission (expected 11/2/23)
  • Board of Commissioners meeting in person at Maloof Auditorium, 1300 Commerce Dr. (expected 11/16/23)

Previous Meeting Dates

  • Neighborhood Awareness meeting April 13, 2023 at 6pm
  • Community Council Meeting (Zoom meeting) on Tuesday 6/13 @ 6:30 pm, first item on agenda
  • Planning Commission meeting will be held (via Zoom) on 7/11/23 @ 6:00 pm
  • Board of Commissioners meeting (in person at Maloof Auditorium, 1300 Commerce Dr.) will be held on 7/27/23 @ 5:30 pm - Decision: Two Cycle Deferment

Link to full application on Dekalb Co Website:

1493-1501 Lavista Rezoning

The following applications for zoning will be on the agenda in March 2022. This property is in unincorporated Dekalb County, and subject to the County's ordinances for zoning & land use. The first hearing in March is Planning Commission Meeting Date – Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:30 PM and the second is Board of Commissioners Meeting Date – Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:30 PM. The next Community Council meeting is

  • Tuesday 4/12 Community Council
  • Tuesday 5/3 Planning Commission
  • Thursday 5/26 Board of Commissioners

Applicant proposes rezoning the property from O-I to MR-2 and proposes to build 20 townhomes. According to the applicant, the properties are currently being used for an accounting office and a real estate office. Land use hearing is necessary for the parcel 1493 Lavista currently SUB to change it to NC to go with the parcel 1501 Lavista currently NC.

The LLCC Blueprints study showed a nature path approximately at this location could be an opportunity for a pedestrian connection. As part of support for the proposed rezoning and variance, WHNA has requested that a pedestrian easement be reserved for a future Briar Vista Elementary Safe Route to School Path from Lavista Rd to Franklin Cir. WHNA has also had other discussions with the applicant on building height, traffic considerations, and sanitation

More details are available in a copy of the application attached here and details or updates if any available on the Dekalb County Planning Website.

Planning Commission Meeting Date – Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:30 PM
(This meeting will be held via Zoom.)
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Board of Commissioners Meeting Date – Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:30 PM
This meeting will be held via Zoom and simultaneous broadcast available via live stream on DCTV’s
webpage, and on DCTVChannel23.TV.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone: Dial:
USA 888 270 9936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 217687
Meeting participant’s or caller’s phone numbers may be displayed to the public viewing or
participating in the online meeting.
Citizens may also email documents for inclusion into the official record by submitting suchmaterials by
5:30 pm on the date of the public hearing.
Email the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners at