Thank you Teacher Appreciation Sponsors & Volunteers

WHNA sponsored Teacher Appreciation dinner is a success!
teacher apprec sponsors March 2014

What can we say but a HUGE THANK YOU to

Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association,
local business sponsors

Briar Vista PTO, & neighborhood volunteers !!

Thank you to our local restaurants:

Outback, Burger Fi, Chili's, & Tin Lizzie's Cantina


Your generous donations to the Briar Vista Teacher Appreciation Dinner we're a big surprise and well received.  The  Briar Vista teachers & staff enjoyed the occasion.

This truly was a great event that couldn't have happened without all the hard work and generosity.   You made it fun too!!!

Ps - Because of so much food being available from Outback, Burger Fi Chilis & Tin Lizzie's Cantina we were able to feed the bus drivers too!!  They were very thankful on that rainy afternoon!!

Make sure we all spread the word about the generosity of these restaurants!!

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