Please save the date for our Fall Woodland Hills Neighborhood general assembly meeting:
When: Thursday, September 19th
Time: 7:30 - 9:00
Where: Peachtree Baptist Church - Fellowship Hall
Topics to be discussed:
City of Briarcliff Initiative
This topic was a great source of interest at our last GA meeting. There have been many developments since then and representatives from the City of Briarcliff Initiative will be presenting on the benefits of Cityhood and the status of the initiative. Come and decide for yourself on this very important topic.
Meet the New Principal for Briar Vista Elementary
This year promises to be an exciting one at our local Elementary school with many positive changes under way. Come meet our new Principal Ms. Cammie Neill and hear about what is under way at Briar Vista Elementary.
Also Don't Miss
Updates on Dekalb Transportation projects
Clifton Corridor MARTA project
Upcoming Fall Social events.