Title: LLCC Announces Upcoming Clifton Corridor Initiative Neighborhood Meetings
Location: 1805 Lenox Road NE Atlanta, GA
Link out: Click here
Description: LLCC will begin its series of neighborhood meetings regarding the Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative. The Clifton Corridor Alternatives Analysis involves investigating the need for high-capacity transit connections between the Lindbergh Center/Armour Yard area in north-central Atlanta to Clifton Road employment centers and the City of Decatur in west-central DeKalb County.
To assist LLCC in evaluating the proposed project\'s direct impact on our community and its compatibility with our own long-term vision, we enteredinto a contract with the Perkins +Will design firm. We\'re pleased to have Senior Transportation Planner, Heather Alhadeff, providing additional analysis.
Heather Alhadeff, Senior Transportation Planner
Ms. Alhadeff has been hired to help as an adviser to work on behalf of the concerned residents and businesses of Lindridge-Martin Manor, LaVista Park, Woodland Hills, and Morningside-Lenox Park, the Cheshire Bridge Business node and the Zonolite Business node.
Her goals are to conduct the tasks listed below for each of the neighborhoods until the Alternatives Analysis study is finalized.
1. Provide facts and technical information about the project
2. Answer questions
3. Collect and share outstanding questions for MARTA and to provide their responses
4. Collect feedback, concerns, and ideas from residents to be compiled into an area-wide report to be shared with MARTA
In order to gain this public input, Ms. Alhadeff will lead a series of meetings in the surrounding neighborhoods.
The first meeting will be held on Sunday, August 28 beginning at 5:30pm, at the Woodland Hills home of Brian and Alyson Lapes located at 1401 Arnold Avenue NE MAP.
The second meeting will be held in the Morningside Lenox Park neighborhood on Thursday, September 1, beginning at 6:30 pm at the home of Alan and Dianne Olansky located at 1805 Lenox Road NE MAP.
A third meeting is planned for the business communities of Cheshire Bridge Road and the Zonolite Business District at Nakato Japanese Restaurant located at 1776 Cheshire Bridge Road NE MAP date and time to be determined.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2011-09-01
End Time: 20:00