Attention Residents: Major Changes Affecting you are Upcoming

I wanted to remind you of tomorrow's meeting regarding usage of the CSX line, please plan on being there and make sure to fill out a feedback form.  For more information, read the email below.

Brad Grulke

As you may or may not be aware, MARTA and the Clifton Corridor have partnered to conduct the Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative Alternative Analysis.  The purpose of this study is to determine a way to connect Lindbergh Center MARTA Station to the Clifton Corridor and the City of Decatur.

MARTA has recently announced three different scenarios for the project using the CSX rail corridor behind Arnold Ave.  In two of these scenarios, MARTA is proposing heavy rail transit (HRT); this is what MARTA's current lines use.  It is also anticipated that in order to put these lines in, there may have to be right-of-way acquisitions in the surrounding neighborhoods of Woodland Hills, Lindridge Martin Manor, Morningside Lenox Park, and Zonolite should this project move forward.

The Lindbergh LaVista Corridor Coalition (LLCC) has worked with Rep. Pat Gardner, to schedule a community meeting for the public to gain additional information.  PLEASE join us Tuesday, July 12, 2011 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 1438 Sheridan Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30324.

WHNA's position on these developments is as follows:

·         No property acquisitions

·         No HRT.  A light rail transit system with stops along the path will help serve the surrounding communities without the disturbances of a HRT line

·         We are against any plan that imposes a burden on Woodland Hills without any benefits to our neighborhood.

·         Reroute/remove the CSX trains to allow for these additional transit lines.

For more information on the current proposals, please visit

Also visit frequently for any updates.  If this plan goes forward, all Woodland Hills residents WILL BE affected.  Please have your voice heard and make our opinions known.  In order to have your opinion count, make sure to fill out the feedback form at the open house.

Brad Grulke
WHNA President

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