WHNA Member’s Spring Movie Night

Title: WHNA Member's Spring Movie Night
Location: The Thompson's Back Yard 1068 Country Lane Atlanta, GA 30324
Description: This is the rescheduled movie night invite. The previous event was canceled due to bad weather.

Come and help us celebrate the beginning of Spring with our 3rd member BBQ and Movie Night.

Stop on by for the BBQ, then at sundown (about 8:00), we will start the movie, our own version of “screen on the green.” Our feature presentation will be Megamind.

Food: WHNA will supply the burgers, hotdogs, and softdrinks. YOU supply the sides/dessert (Pot Luck Style).

When you RSVP, in the comment field, say if you’re going to bring a dessert or a side.

So pack up the chairs and blankets and we will see you then!

Thank you for being a member and supporting WHNA.

This event will be weather permitting.

Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2011-04-09
End Time: 22:00

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