WHNA Crime Alert – Car break ins

Dear Residents,

We have received notification of a car break in on the corner of Woodland Avenue and Arlington Avenue on Monday morning.  The car was parked in the street.  The thieves took approximately $25 worth of stuff from the vehicle, however, they broke the window in doing so which greatly increased the damage done.
The DeKalb County Police Department and the Woodland Hills neighborhood watch urge residents to practice responsible safety measures. It is a good idea to clear valuables out of your vehicle every night. The DCPD also encourages residents to report ANY suspicious people or activity by calling 911 immediately.

Please review the safety tips below to help prevent these types of crimes in the neighborhood.

Thank you,
WHNA association.

Most thefts from motor vehicles are preventable. There are just a few things you need to do to prevent them. Once you realize the steps you need to take, we are counting on you to do them on a daily basis.

Practice T. L. C.

Take Out Valuables
If you can leave your valuables at home, do it. Otherwise, when you get to your destination, take your valuables with you. If you have to leave them in your automobile, put them in your trunk before you get to your destination.

Lock Your Vehicle
Enough said !

Close Doors and Windows
An open door or window allows a thief a quick and quiet way to enter your automobile. Take the time to make sure you closed everything.

The increase in motor vehicle larcenies is part of a national trend. The reason motor vehicle larcenies are on the rise is because people make it far too easy for a thief to gain access to their vehicle and make it so tempting to attempt entry by leaving valuables in plain view. Thieves can quickly enter vehicles, often sight unseen. Many use the stolen items to help them get drugs to support their addiction. Increasingly, we are finding that thieves are using personal information found in vehicles to commit identity theft.

You might be surprised just what thieves are looking for, or what victims make available to them:
Cameras, Laptop Computers, Cell Phones, Car Stereos, Mail, CD's, Purses, Vehicle Registrations, Money, Jackets, Gym Bags, Luggage, Briefcases, Garage Door Openers, Etc.


You can often choose where you park your vehicle. It is important to be aware of where you park. Thieves are looking for vehicles they can enter with the least possibility of someone watching and thereby alerting police.
Ideally, the best place to park is in your locked garage. Otherwise, here are other important factors to consider:


  • Don't park where others cannot see your vehicle.
  • Don't park in all-day unattended parking areas.


  • Park in well lighted areas.
  • Do join a Neighborhood Watch.
  • Do park in clearly visible areas.

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