Title: Community Meeting
Location: 1489 Lavista Road, NE
Description: Application for a Major Modification to Zoning Condition to Allow Access on Shepherds Lane pertaining to the property located at 1489 Lavista Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30324
What is a Community Meeting?
A community meeting is designed to inform the surrounding neighborhood of current major modification permit applications. It is an opportunity for the community to learn about a proposed project, ask questions, present concerns and make suggestions.
This community meeting is different than the usual in that the proposed project and issue of allowing Shepherds Lane access to the property with conditions has been extensively discussed and generally agreed to by the Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association,Lavista Park Civic Association Board and Lindbergh-Lavista Corridor Coalition.
This meeting is being held to satisfy a requirement of the Dekalb County Board of Commissioners prior to its hearing on the matter. Please contact Property Owner Wendy Jacobson MD for further details at (404) 373-9022.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-11-21
End Time: 20:30