Title: WHNA Movie Night
Location: 1068 Country Lane Atlanta GA
Description: This year, Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association is hosting a Halloween Party!!!
So put on your costumes and join us for a fun filled night.
Since the 31st is a Sunday, we are organizing a Neighborhood Trick or Treat for Saturday night. The Trick or Treating will start at 5pm and go unitl about 6:30 pm. We will take a loop around Country Lane to Woodland Hills Dr and to Vista Trail. Then we will meet back at the Thompson\'s for a BBQ and Movie.
We will fire up the grill around 6 PM, so if you want to skip the Trick or Treating, come over then. WHNA will supply the meat and soft drinks. Please plan to bring a dessert or side dish.
When it gets dark we will show How to Train your Dragon under the stars. Its Woodland Hills\'s version of Screen on the Green.
Hope to see you then!
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2010-10-30
End Time: 21:00