WHNA Board Meeting
1 - Introductions to new board members:
The group exchanged introductions between present returning board members, which included Brad Grulke, Amy Chism, Bobby Ward, and Kate Mart, and new board members Troy Sealscott, Louis Myer, Jay Williams, and Brian Bilski. New members need to be added to the google group.
2 - Review of Last Year
Brad distributed binders to new members with recap of last year including:
1 - neighborhood Bylaws
2- an outline of Membership Drive including BBQ details, materials, and costs
3 - Volunteer meeting at Loco's
4- Neighborhood Board positions.
5 - Neighborhood Watch: Grassroots effort to get to know your neighbors.
Brad also recapped WHNA's relationship with LLCC. Most of our more political/trafficking/zoning issues escalate to LLCC. As a umbrella/parenty company type to WHNA we value their sponsorship. LLCC's 5013c status and the blueprints project benefit WHNA and our efforts.
3 - What board members want to see WHNA do:
Each board member took turn describing what they see as priority in Woodland Hills.
Brian: Feels first priority is Neighborhood Watch. 2nd Priority is membership drive in general.
Louis: More community feel. Louis wants to see a neighborhood where children play safely like WH used to be. Louis suggested we can achieve this goal by establishing a key identifying, uniting "hot button".
Bobby: Neighborhood Watch. Build the foundation. Safer walking around the neighborhood.
Amy: Short term for 2010: Neighborhood Watch. Signage. Signage identifies us as a community.
Kate: Community building through neighborhood watch/block captain efforts, community identity (signage), safer more peaceful place to live through traffic enforcement.
Jay: wants to create safety and security, value, sense of community, and accountability. Jay sees opportunity. Improve our presence.
Bobby: Wants to see a neighborhood survey to discover green space opportunity.
4- Brad's thoughts on WHNA's future:
Welcoming Committee:
Welcome letter, membership info, key neighborhood info, school info, take out menus. We need a chairperson. We miss a golden opportunity when we don't take advantage of new neighbors.
Volunteer Coordinator: Brad sees this as being the Vice President's role.
Traffic Coordinator: In an effort to not pester the detectives at our quarterly meetings about traffic, we established a position for this purpose. Current issues include Shepherds Lane, the stop sign at Woodland Hills and Palafox, and crosswalks at La Vista. Quimin Lam is the current traffic coordinator.
Newletter Coordinator: On a quarterly basis? E letter or written?
Neighborhood Signs: Specific need in Woodland Hills East. Need to figure out zoning rights and issues for this purpose. Brad Grulke and WHNA resident Nathan Martin will tackle this issue together.
Mail box Signs: do we sell them? At cost or for profit? We don't want to offend/turn people off. Louis recommends that we do not sell them. Brad agrees.
Movie Nights: Multiple scheduled throughout the year.
Membership Drive: Just like last year, tie into Spring BBQ.
Schools: More flow of information to our residents about our schools. This would benefit the neighborhood and the school.
Local business page on the website: Need a disclaimer?
5- New Officers/Committee Chairpersons
a. Officers
1- President
2- Vice President
3- Treasurer
4- Secretary
5- Registrar
b. Committee Chairs
1 - Neighborhood Watch
2 - Membership
3 - Social
4- Webmaster
5- Volunteer Coordinator
6- Welcome Committee
Treasurers Report: Current account balance is $1,813.74.
To be discussed at January's Meeting:
Is 5013C status a possibility for WHNA?
First date to begin the next membership drive? First email went out March 22nd.
What is covered in new policy? General liability. If we were to damage someone's property it would cover us up to $1 M. Amy will bring a copy of policy for January's meeting.