WHNA General Assembly Meeting Minutes

Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

Quarterly General Assembly Meeting

October 29, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM.

Crime Update

This quarter's crime update was provided by Sergeant Williams and Officer Tillman of the Dekalb County Police Department. Going forward Sergeant Williams and Officer Tillman will provide the crime updates for WHNA meetings. Officer Jenny Miller still serves our area, but works days now. Sergeant Williams is the night watch supervisor for Dekalb's Interactive Community Police.

A list of the neighborhood's recent crime activity can be found at the website:


Sergeant Williams reminded the assembly to always remove electronics from cars to prevent break-ins. Be sure the windows and doors of your house are secure. Assign a trusted person in your life as a "keyholder" to your home. You can rely on this person to respond if there is an incident at your home and you are away. If you make a large purchase like a flat screen tv do not throw the box away so that a criminal can easily see. Change up your schedule so a criminal is unsure of when you are normally away from your house. Write down the serial numbers of your expensive possession so that if stolen and pawned these items can be tracked. Write down the TAG numbers of suspicious vehicles. If you witness something suspicious do not hesitate to alert the police. Dekalb County PD's non emergency number is 404-294-2911.

Traffic Coordinator

Quimin Lam is WHNA's new traffic coordinator. Concerns about traffic related issues (missing signs, illegal traffic) should be steered to Quimin and he will address with the proper authorities. Quimin can be contacted by email at traffic@woodlandhillsatlanta.org.

LLCC Update

The LLCC has completed the Blueprint study. The Blueprint study outlines the plan for preservation and redevelopment of the Lindberg-La Vista territory. An overview of the study and the complete report is available at http://www.lindberghlavista.org/.

The LLCC just clear a trail in the area that will be developed into Confluence Trail. Brad mentioned that one recommendation of the Blueprints study was to steer and concentrate the sex shops and strip clubs currently on Cheshire to one dead end street. This area would be a "pink" light district and would clean up Shepherds.

LLCC and WHNA have made progress in the "Safe Routes to School" initiative for Briar Vista Elementary. Safe Routes to School is a federally commissioned program that provides grants and funding to make the infrastructure around schools safe for students to walk to school. WHNA President, Brad Grulke, and Woodland Hills resident, Lauren Press, are co-leading this initiative. SRTS committee will be surveying students and parents.

LLCC is in desperate need of funding. As a 501 3C  they are eligible to receive tax deductible gifts from LLCC residents and the companies and corporations we work for. If you work for a large company that actively donates to charities, LLCC encourages you to recommend them for a donation.

Executive Park Re-Development

Jeremy Mador talked to the Assembly about the status of the Executive Park re-development. The district has a mix of funding from grant money and private funds for a "livable development" study. Before any actual development is done the county would like a study done so that rules are in place. The next open house is November 17 at 6:30 - 8:30 at Executive Park.

Board Elections and Committee Volunteers

The following people have volunteered to serve in the following capacities.

Social Committee

-          Will Austin

-          Kelly Robinson

-          Curry Roberts

Running Clun

-          Jonathan Wickman

Babysitting Club

-          Sandra Bevilaqua

Welcoming Committee

-          Tanya Ardoin

-          Raegan Williams

Neighborhood Beautification

-          Sarah Hailey

-          Bobby Ward

-          Ann Myer

Block Captains

-          Brian Bilski

-          Kathleen Gooding

-          Molly Mitchell

-          Lauren Press

-          Barbara and Jerry Wheeler

-          Jay Williams

WHNA Board

-          Bobby Ward

-          Amy Chism

-          Brad Grulke

-          Kelly Robinson

-          Kate Martin

-          Ann Myer

-          Troy Seascott

-          Jesse Thompson

-          Jay Williams

LLCC Board

-          Amanda Leech

-          Curry Roberts

WHNA still needs volunteers for several chair positions and block captains for 44 of our 50 blocks.

Movie Night

WHNA has a movie night/screen on the green scheduled for November 14th at Briar Vista Elementary. The movie night will be canceled if weather is bad.

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