FEMA Information

From Commissioner Jeff Rader:

Sep 29, 2009

Please contact FEMA or GEMA if you are a homeowner, renter or business that has been affected by the flood. It is important to have an accurate report of all damages, even if you do not take advantage of financial assistance. Register for FEMA assistance by calling 1-800-621-3362 or registering on online at www.disasterassistance.gov. No assistance can start until you have applied with FEMA. Once you have applied, an inspection to verify the damages will be made and then financial assistance will be determined. As of this date 9/28/09, 7,000 people have been helped and $2.4 million dollars have already been dispersed to assist flood victims. FEMA can assist with temporary housing, emergency repairs, and replacement of essential household items, transportation and other types of aid. This site also has clean up tips.

Many citizens have indicated that flooding was intensified by obstruction in creeks that drain their neighborhoods. If you are aware of areas where fallen trees or other obstructions block the flow of creeks or streams, please report them to DeKalb's Roads and Drainage Department. Phone numbers and important disaster relief information can be found at http://www.co.dekalb.ga.us/boc/hot_topics.html

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