Title: WHNA Volunteer Get Together
Location: Loco's Pub, Loehmann's Plaza
Description: Interested in getting involved? Whether you want to do a lot or a little, come and meet us and see if your interested.
I hope you all had a fantastic summer.
As residents of Woodland Hills, maybe you've said to yourself, "I'd like to see this done, or I could help with that."
Well here is your chance. As a board, there is a small group (only 7 of us) who try to act on our neighborhood's behalf. But we can do better. There are a lot of things we want to do, but simply don't have enough manpower. And I know there are great ideas out there that we haven't even thought of yet.
Before I finally got involved in WHNA, I looked for an opportunity to casually say "what can I help with." Big or small it didn't matter to me.
If you feell anything like I did, here is your opportunity to get involved, meet new people, and further our development as a community.
We are hosting a "Meet and Greet" in Loco's Pub, Loehmann's Plaza on Tuesday Oct 6th, 7:30 PM. If you are interested in helping out in anyway (big or small), please RSVP to me president@woodlandhillsatlanta.org. The food and drink are on us!
Still not sure, here is a small list of things we would love your help with.
Welcoming Committee
Traffic Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Neighborhood Watch Block Captains
Board Members
Neighborhood Running Club
So please join us October 6th, meet some neighbors and get involved, big or small. We loved to have your help and input.
Please forward this to anyone else who maybe interested in volunteering.
Brad Grulke
WHNA, President
phone: (404) 290-4056
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2009-10-06
End Time: 21:00