Area Crime Update

Dear Residents,

I wanted to updated you that crime has been increasing in our area. Below is an update from Officer Miller. Also i want to make you aware of the countywide crime website.

Once you are on the site, you can type in a specific address at the top of the page; zoom in and out on the map to see the entire county or just our neighborhood; sort by range of dates; or click on individual reports to see types of crime. The information on this site reflects how the initial 911 call was reported. In some cases, the report may be changed to a different category or removed all together depending on the on-going or final outcome of investigation by police.

Thank you for doing your part to help keep Woodland Hills safe by not hesitating to call 911.

From Officer Miller:

There has been an increase in burglaries in the Lavista Park, Sagamore Hills, Merry Ln, Melinda Dr, Biltmore areas and there have been numerous arrests. We have made over 10 burglary arrests since June but the burglaries have not slowed down.

We are working hard with detective on any leads we can get on cases. Any time a neighbor can call in a suspicous vehicle/ person that is great. We are currently having a big issue with storage sheds being broken into, and CID have warrants out on a possible suspect. That's not to say there are several suspects breaking into storage sheds.


Brad Grulke
Woodland Hills Neighborhood Association

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